This tutorial is for CDRWIN 3.7A, but will probably work for most of the older
versions. Once you have downloaded, installed and unlocked CDRWIN, you are ready to
begin to burn PSX games. I have found that CDRWIN is a great tool for burning PSX
games. At first, it seems to be confusing, but as you use it, you will see that it
is just a 3 Step process to burn games. I have to admit though, that the user
interface on the first screen could use some work. The GUI (Graphical User
Interface) leaves a lot to be desired, but it has come a long way from its origin.
Anyway, let us begin:
STEP 1. Start up CDRWIN.

STEP 2. Click on the third box from the top left. This is the extract
sectors box. This will bring up the following screen.

Once you have reached this step, you need to click on the button to the right of the
Image Filename box. This will bring up a save screen, where you will tell the
program where to save your PSX image file. In this example, the image file name is
NameOfThegame.bin. Once you have selected a name, press start, and it will do its
thing. Once the operation completes successfully, click OK, and close the window.
STEP 3. Once back at the main screen, click on the top left box to record your
image file. This will bring up the following window.

Click on Load Cuesheet, and go to the directory where you saved the image file.
In the previous example, you would see a cue sheet named NameOfTheGame.cue. Once
the Cuesheet is loaded, press Start Recording, and you're done. Just make sure to
delete the .Bin, and .Cue files from your hard drive, as they will remain there, unless
you delete them.
Hope that helped you out.